Integration Boot Camp

Posted: October 9, 2017  |  Categories: BizTalk Logic Apps Service Bus

I had the pleasure of participating this year in the Integration Boot Camp at Microsoft in Charlotte, NC.

Our host Mandi Ohlinger, made sure that we had a lot of information about BizTalk, Logic Apps, Azure Functions, Service Bus and so on.

The integration landscape that Microsoft is providing has so many options so we can achieve the goal of providing better solutions to our clients.

The image above, represents exactly what is the integration at Microsoft today. We can connect on-premisses or on cloud making the solutions we design as robust as possible, by enabling all this connectivity.

It’s truly amazing, how fast we can implement a solution today, by using the cloud option. We did some challenging solutions in the labs and we provisioned everything for the labs there in the boot camp. Servers, storage, IP connections, API’s, workflows. All of this without forgetting BizTalk (our on-premisses partner), so we can communicate back and forth using Logic Apps adapter or the Integration Account.

My goal is start doing more of recording my findings and thoughts, but I’m still defining which platform to use. Let’s start with Linkedin and see where I can go from here.

See you around.


Author: Alessandro Moura

Certified BizTalk, Mulesoft, TOGAF and Azure. Integration Specialist. Solutions Architect.

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