Alessandro Moura – Blog

Integration technologies like: BizTalk, Logic Apps, Service Bus, Mulesoft and everything in between

Steef-jan Wiggers
Steef-jan Wiggers
Logic App

Oct 17

Creating an OData service using Logic Apps – Part 3

On the last post about creating an OData service using Logic Apps, I explained how to receive a property from a URL in a Logic Apps flow and handle optional

By Alessandro Moura
SQL Connector properties

Oct 14

Creating an OData service using Logic Apps – Part 2

In the first post of this serie, I said I wanted to expose the tables of a database as an OData service using Logic Apps To do that, we need to be aware of the

By Alessandro Moura

Oct 12

Creating an OData service using Logic Apps

Scenario Among the things that I do on may day work with BizTalk, it's evaluating how Logic Apps can help us to achieve better integrations One of the

By Alessandro Moura

Oct 9

Integration Boot Camp

I had the pleasure of participating this year in the Integration Boot Camp at Microsoft in Charlotte, NC Our host Mandi Ohlinger, made sure that we had

By Alessandro Moura

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