Transform JSON in Logic Apps using Liquid Templates
I've been working with Logic Apps for the past two years and every time a client comes with a request is an opportunity to learn something new that I haven't
Dynamics, Business Central and Common Data Service Connectors with Logic Apps and Flow
I've received a task recently where I had to integrate data from Dynamics 365 (CRM system) to Business Central (Finance system) But before sending the data
Parameters in Logic Apps ARM templates
One of the things you have to do during your development for a Logic App is to parameterize your Logic App ARM template Working with parameters in Logic Apps
AWS4 signature with Logic Apps and Azure Functions
This post is based on one more integration project that I worked for Theta (a lot of good challenges happening there, that I can say) where I had to consume
Calling Azure Function Proxy with Open API definition from Logic App
I got a task from a project recently to make a call to an API from Logic Apps, and I thought that this was going to be an easy thing to do and there will be no
Azure AD Domain Services Login Error
I'm doing a test installation of BizTalk Server 2016 with high availability in Azure and for that, I need a domain controller to join the BizTalk and SQL
Publish/Subscribe with Logic Apps and Service Bus
In this post, I want to show how to create an integration pattern Publish/Subscribe with Logic Apps and Service Bus similar to what we have in the messaging
Monitoring Logic Apps with Log Analytics
As part of the development of several integrations to one of our clients, we were requested to provide a solution for Azure monitoring Logic Apps with Log
Integrate 2017 USA Recap
Today 10/26/2017 we had the first day of three for the Integrate 2017 USA conference and in the first day we learn what the integration platform can do for us
Creating an OData service using Logic Apps – Part 4 – API Management
API Management Now that we have the full funcionality working in the Logic App flow, let's control better the URL's we are going to expose by using the API